Season 1 Characters

Burton Clay

Qatari person who invented pants where if he falls, the pants legs secrete foam out and save his fall. Jumps over furniture for fun since he has no fear of being injured. Destroys tons of furniture using his device for fun. Tells Joy that she has to attend public events/invitations by people she knows. The apartment.

Dewey Lewis

Haitian person who launches fireworks in the airplane since he thought it was Fifth of July. The airplane.

Amber Palmer

White person who is ultimately reserved and always has their arms crossed. Never brings her hands out even if it is situations that require her to. Someone fell over but doesn’t give them a hand. Tells Jordan he uses the bathroom too much. The restaurant.

Dewey Lewis

Haitian person who launches fireworks in the airplane since he thought it was Fifth of July. The airplane.

Norris Blanchard

Zambian person who always has his fingers spread wide apart when talking. Has no dynamic motion with the body and always does the same hand motion when talking. The airport.

Amalia Pearson

Mexican person who says as an excuse that it’s okay for him to be lazy and not get up since they’ll eventually invent teleportation. The cabin.

Harleen Allen

Irish person who cosplays like Harley Quinn. The haunted house. PG.

Magnus Hobbs

African American person insecure over his computer skills and claims that they’re only good at navigating the first-edition Kindle. The bookstore. PG.

Eleni Alcock

French person who snaps to the background music in the airport but gets arrested for snapping invertedly and showing his middle finger to a TSA guard on accident. The airport. PG. She gets arrested for disorderly conduct.

Shanna Owens

American person who just rips off the curtains instead of opening them properly at hotels. The hotel. PG. She gets arrested for criminal mischief.

Aneesa William

African American person who does the walks like a robot. The hotel lobby in Hawaii. PG.

Sonny Mendoza

American person who trims their eyebrows to have a “larger forehead”. Tells Jordan that his haircut looks stupid. The barbershop. PG. He gets arrested for verbal assault.

Alfonso Key

American person who programs the knobs of his stove to change the temperature of the air conditioner. Location: The house. Rating: PG.

Ted Holden

American person who does a scratch test on random paintings to see how strong the surface is. Location: The museum. Rating: PG.

Harley Randolph

American person who claims he has a pet Scrat on the airplane. Location: The airplane. Rating: PG.

Mark Stewart

American person who moves in slow motion and then fast forwards because he thinks he’s in live-action Click and that Adam Sandler is controlling his speed. Location: The running track. Rating: PG.

Dane Poole

American person who only speaks in movie quotes to people. Location: The theater. Rating: PG.

Stephen Coffey

American person who carries a paintbrush everywhere with him and paints mustaches on people who are asleep. Location: The museum. Rating: PG.

Concetta Hess

American person who eats Apple Jacks with apple juice as the milk. Location: The apartment. Rating: PG.

Francesca Huynh

American person who wears big earrings. Location: The mall. Rating: PG.

Kip Powers

American person who is obese and only eats SpongeBob foods like Kelp Shakes and Barnacle Chips. Location: The bar. Rating: MA.

Augusta Gross

American person who does Water Bottle Flip Challenges still. Location: The airport. Rating: PG.

Deloris Ramos

American person who thinks he’s a sports announcer but announces people going to the bathroom on the airplane toilet. Location: The airplane. Rating: PG.

Keith Adkins

American person who forges signatures of children’s reading logs. Location: The school. Rating: MA.

Edwin Eaton

Italian Uber driver who stops at MrBeast burger before dropping off passenger. Location: The restaurant. Rating: MA.

Staci Shields

American person who drops his head down after he’s done speaking. Location: The restaurant. Rating: PG.

Ashley Simpson

American person who plays leapfrog by himself in the airport. Location: The airport. Rating: PG.

Igor Zin

American person who says Quora has all the answers to life. Location: The library. Rating: PG.

Lester Gray

CIA agent who overdoses from snorting Cheez-Its. Location: The building rooftop. Rating: MA.

Carolina Blankenship

American person who dumps ice water on people to cool them down from the hot weather. Location: The beach. Rating: PG.

Dick Farrell

American person who plays the drums on an airplane. Location: The airplane. Rating: PG.

Cedrick Ingram

American person who has no patience for technology and destroys the airport TV since it was too laggy. Location: The airplane. Rating: MA.

Ollie Petersen

American person who does skateboard tricks on the plane. Location: The airplane. Rating: PG.

Serena Brandt

American person who is a sniper and uses his gun to deflate sports balls in major games. Location: The football stadium. Rating: MA.

Leanna Harrell

American person who is a writer and uses edible pens to avoid damaging his teeth when chewing on them impulsively. Location: The airplane. Rating: PG.

Jarrett Fuller

American person who is always full from food and never hungry. Location: The restaurant. Rating: PG.

Augustus Padilla

American person who salivates like a Pavlov dog when he hears the Taco Bell bell sound. Location: The restaurant. Rating: PG.

Sid Hays

American person who doesn’t seatbelt on the plane since too fat. Location: The airplane. Rating: PG.

Gilda Stanley

Meth addict who climbs traffic lights and covers the lights to confuse drivers when to go or stop. Location: The street. Rating: MA.

Bernadette Summers

American person who is a magician and brings a pet rabbit on the plane. Location: The airplane. Rating: MA.

Kevin Bullock

American person who brings his Xbox to a random airport and connects the HDMI to a random TV screen that displays departures. Location: The airport. Rating: PG.

Chris Jemworh

Eats Honey Nut Cheerios with a fork and knife. Location: The library. Rating: MA.

Margret Alvarez

American person who is obsessed with optical illusions and tries getting people into hypnosis states when randomly walking past people. Location: The street. Rating: PG.

Jayson Knight

American person who snorts like a pig crawling on the ground and smells for truffles. Location: The snow mountains. Rating: PG.

Brett Dawson

American person who is against asking questions or hearing questions. Everything has to be in statement or exclamatory form. Location: The bar. Rating: PG.

Weldon Herring

A Portuguese individual who moves their eyes in relation to head movement, leading to awkward head movements during conversations. Encounters often occur at concerts. (PG)

Jewel Mcfarland

A British kid known for giving wet willies to people and saying "get wet-willied". Often found at airports. (PG)

Zidan Booth

Irish. Ties his shoelaces with licorice since he’s a worker at a candy store. Found at the store in Universal Studios. Shoe sound. Joy and Jordan early on almost have an intimate moment where they both go to the candy store together and talk about funny stories about their parents. While in the heat of the conversation, the worker offers to tie their shoelaces with licorice. The worker asks for a tip while changing their shoelaces since they paid for it. Changes their shoelaces without their permission. PG. S8. gets arrested for touching their property without their consent.

Aneurin Krause

Scottish. Uses bear traps to guard his store at night. The store. Bear trap sounds. PG. S7. gets arrested for assault by the police.

Enrico Madden

African American. Person who exaggeratedly scans his environment in 360 degrees to feel in “present moment.” The New York street. PG. S8. gets arrested by the police for harassment.

Enoch Haney

Russian person who likes hot sauce on pasta. The restaurant. “I need more sauce, ma’am.” PG. S4.

Darell Kuqalkqa

American person who has an affection for bears and tries to sleep next to them when they are hibernating. Says he’s prepared in case one of them attacks because he saw the Revenant. The mountains. PG.

Katrina Sutton

Egyptian cleaning lady who accidentally uses an ancient film roll as a paper roll to clean up spilled salsa. Tells Joy that she looks depressed when she has her head down. The museum. MA.

Jody Mckenzie

Austrian crossing guard person who takes it personally when someone jaywalks in front of her. The street. PG.

Kurtis Dorsey

Macedonian person who is a horizontal head bobber when listening to music and gets irritated by people who bob their head up and down since he thinks they are doing it wrong. The concert. PG.

Trudy Perez

Lithuanian person who clogs the airplane toilet by stuffing it with fruit roll-up to see if its fruity birefringence matched the density level of water. Tells Joy that her breasts are showing too much cleavage. The airplane. MA.

Tanya Buckley

Slovak person who ate too many Altoids in one sitting. Person who confuses places for different places. Thinks that the public restroom is a church. Prays in front of a urinal. The airport. MA.

Ora Olgzeedi

Libyan person who brings Christmas lights to a movie theater and tries hanging them around the screen while the movie is playing to add to the Christmas spirit. Tells Maurice to not trip on the stairs in theater due to his height. The theater. PG.

Earl Grimes

Togolese person who tapes himself to the top of his car and has his butler drive him around since he wants to experience outdoor air. The street. MA.

Regina Rollins

Armenian person who is a cub scout in an airport and tries starting a fire with two twigs. The airport. PG.

Charlotte Kelley

Monacan person who wears AirPods 24/7. Airport became ingrained to her ear. Tells Maurice that he makes too much noise when he walks past him. Footsteps are too loud. The airport. MA.

Papia Tapia

An Italian person who offers to shower with people if they promise to give them their pet dog. (MA)

Nathanael Hull

A Russian person who can channel goosebumps on command. (PG)

Thaddeus Wallace

An American person who steals people’s hair and runs DNA tests on them. (PG)

Gary Raymond

An American person who wears binoculars as glasses. (MA)

Jeanne Whitney

An American person who is against names. (PG)

Tammy Browning

An American person who claims that he has hyper-awareness of his head movements. (PG)

Johnathan Parker

American person who is a podiatrist for famous actresses and takes pictures of their feet without their permission. The hospital. MA.

Hank Reed

American person who smashes their trackpad for not working on the airplane and asks people around him if he can borrow their Bluetooth mouses. The airplane. MA.

Murray Lin

American person who plays jump rope with someone’s phone charger. Unplugs their charger in the airport. The airport. PG.

Thad Richardson

Maldivian person who is a bettor and brings a Monopoly board around him and challenges people to gamble in the airport. The airport. PG.

Rodney Sherman

American person who leaves a Jersey Mike’s sub in the middle of train tracks and causes a train delay. The train station. PG.

Enid Mcmahon

American person who claims to be an alchemist and sell elixirs and spells. They’re just stolen antidepressants grounded up and blended into smoothie form. The gas station. MA.

Merle Americanhead

American person who opens his car door on purpose to block the sidewalk of a busy street on purpose. The street. PG.

Kelly Stanley

American person who tapes a keyboard vertically to the entrance of her restaurant and expects people to type out their name for reservations even though there is no wire connected. The restaurant. PG.

Wilford Mcdaniel

American person who draws a Tom and Jerry animation on a physical flipbook and forced Joy to watch it even though it’s poorly drawn. The museum. PG.

Paul Cooper

American person who pretends to work at a barber and makes someone’s haircut bald. The barbershop. PG.

Diego Fuentes

American person who knows the inventors of the most random things like the band-aid. The bar. PG.

Judy Conway

American person who is a music orchestrator and tells her audience they cannot leave early or else they will “earrape them with loudness”. The concert. MA.

Season 2 Characters

Yahweh Faulkner

Israeli person who uses a toilet as a washing machine. Tells Rose that he spies on her when she sleeps. The hotel. MA. He gets arrested for harassment.

Lauryn Dawson

Singaporean person who tangles her hair into weird patterns and always has a different design. Uses animal templates. The barbershop. PG.

Dan Rennie

American person who gets irritated by every minor inconvenience. Gets pissed if too many dust particles on his iPhone case. The workplace. PG. He gets arrested for disrupting the peace in the workplace.

Aushtrive Khanzeen

Russian Khazakh person who is a Soap Man: has a wide variety of soaps and offers soap to people he thinks smells. The mall. MA. He gets arrested for disrupting the personal space of others when he smells them.

Joan Conner

Cuban person who owns a magazine booth place in a mall but only offers the same one magazine. The mall. PG.

Estella Tran

Gum Woman: Salvadoran offers gum to people she thinks have bad breath. The soccer stadium. PG. She gets arrested for cultural sensitivity.

Kerry Clark

Etiquette Enforcer: Senegalese person who gets upset at people for not holding their cup with their pinkies up or using utensils correctly. The restaurant. PG. She gets arrested for harassment.

Georgina Potter

Jamaican person who is hyper-aware of how many times each person in the restaurant has used the bathroom. Tells Jordan he’s pretentious for always saying “bro”. PG. He gets arrested for social discomfort.

Lowell Weaver

Qatari person who uses earplugs to plug nose since person next to her on plane smells bad. The airplane. PG. He gets arrested for not respecting personal space of others when smelling.

Oligarchy Manwelli

Free-Sample Stealer: Ghanaian Person who takes advantage of free samples. Young British kid who goes to Yogurtland and gets a bunch of free samples. Does the same thing at Costco. Tells Maurice he’s mentally ill. The store. PG. He gets arrested for accusations of mental illnesses.

Wells Grant

American person who is a psychiatrist patient and convinces the psychiatrist herself to take medication. The building. MA.

Issac Peters

Cuban person who destroys his phone when the touchscreen selects over the wrong text. The workplace. PG.

Josefa Cuevas

American person who snaps their phone in half whenever water drops messes up the touchscreen. The mall. MA.

Johnnie Blair

American person who is a dry cleaner and unfolds clothes if their customer didn’t tip them. The laundromat. PG.

Roxanne Khan

American person who ties rope around her waist with books placed up her back so that she can fix her posture. The bar. PG.

Shaun Mercer

American person who eats action figures since thought were edible. The gas station. PG.

Wilford Shaw

American person who draws a Tom and Jerry animation on a physical flipbook and forced Joy to watch it even though it’s poorly drawn. The museum. PG.

Alton Pierce

American person who offers random people on the street to visit his house and play super smash brothers. The neighborhood. PG.

Carlton Hendrix

American person who wears an Abraham Lincoln hat and steals pennies, advising Rose not to bite down on her teeth. Found at the bank. (PG)

Thaddeus Fritz

Person obsessed with presidents, found at the library. (PG)

Rhea Blackburn

American person who feeds crack to his pet duck so he can say my “duck is on quack” and feels “butterflies in his stomach” around attractive women. Found on the airplane. (MA)

Gladys Cook

American person who listens to music with closed eyes and causes traffic jams. Found on the street. (PG)

Tanner Clarke

Truck driver whose horn plays a trombone sound and is found on the desert street. (PG)

Dee Manning

American person who speaks with an extremely low voice when talking to men and advises Arnold not to watch porn. Found in the tundra. (MA)

Hobert Fleming

American person who uses a hot tub on the airplane and is found on the airplane. (PG)

Kyle Morales

American person who sets mousetraps on luggage handles and is found at the airport. (PG)

Hoyt Thornton

American person who offers to buy underwear in the airport after spilling CoolAid and is sad at the end credits. Found at the airport. (MA)

Lillie Boyer

American chemistry teacher who causes chaos with experiments and tells Joy to stop oversharing. Found on the airplane. (PG)

Dorothea Wang

Asian person who brings a vacuum everywhere and steals valuables with it. Found at the gym. (MA)

Billy Bailey

American person who uses a hairdryer to melt ice and advises Rose to read more. Found at the barbershop. (PG)

Additri Ruiz

Bangladeshi person who conducts surveys about favorite types of monkeys and advises Rose to wear a mask for COVID. Found at the mall. (PG)

Brittany Mccann

American person who thinks he's in a zombie apocalypse and tells Maurice about an AI apocalypse. Found in the snow mountains. (PG)

Herschel Chaney

American person who eats flowers and advises Maurice to pick up missed calls. Found at the flower store. (PG)

Michael Moyer

American person who wears warm clothes in hot weather and vice versa. Found in the snow mountains. (PG)

Lamonte Santiago

African American person who rejects tasks and is found at the workplace. (PG)

Jorge Clark

Hispanic person who tries to put out fires with gasoline and is found in the neighborhood. (PG)

Lance Harris

American person who mows lawns and draws them wrong on purpose. Found at the stadium. (PG)

Carmela Tate

American person who suggests knowing peanut allergies to avoid offense and is found on the airplane. (PG)

Claudine Huber

Cashier who steals from the cash register, found at the store. (MA)

Christi English

American person who breaks bottles for good luck, found at the store. (PG)

Ines Russell

American person who smuggles grilled cheese sandwiches and advises Rose not to scroll through comments. Found at the airport. (MA)

Ollie Mosley

American person who asks people to move their bags to sit and advises Arnold not to be sensitive to temperature. Found at the airport. (PG)

Amelia Mckee

American person who steals bags at baggage claim and advises Jordan not to tattle. Found at the airport. (MA)

Josephine Simmons

American person who won’t leave his parking spot until hearing a motorcycle and tells Arnold he's afraid to look at cleavage. Found at the airport drop-off. (MA)

Oscar Lambert

American person who speaks lines from movies in theaters and advises Joy she’s iron-deficient. Found at the theater. (PG)

Columbus Garrett

American person who sets trash on fire for warmth and advises Joy not to ignore his past self. Found at the airport drop-off. (PG)

Audrey Horton

American person who sells popcorn in airports and advises Arnold to go to a psych ward. Found at the airport. (MA)

Dimir Khrutrovski

American person who expresses opinions on Putin as an Uber driver and advises Rose to avoid socializing with strangers. Found at the airport drop-off. (PG)

Janine Logan

American person who stares until people can't see their eyes and advises Rose to stop looking at screens. Found at the jewelry store. (PG)

Sidney Singleton

American person who forces yoga on others and advises Arnold to stretch. Found at the gym. (PG)

Elias Hardin

American Gas Man who charges $50 extra to fill gas and advises Joy to open her eyes more. Found at the gas station. (PG)

Kathryn Bell

American person who cuts pillows searching for treasure and advises Arnold he's not assertive enough. Found at the airport drop-off. (PG)

Edmundo Horne

A Mexican who sleeps in a ball in the airport. (PG)

Middleton Sugar

An Asian person who plays soccer with a cornish hen around the airport with his friends. (MA)

Ann Hath

An American EDP-Searcher who searches for EDP. (MA)

Habish Kuami

An Arab person who uses a knife to cut every airport seatbelt since he is an advocate for the 60s where there were zero seatbelts. (PG)

Eva Mueller

An American military veteran who has an “army playground” where people blow up cars and shoot wheelbarrows. (MA)

Kristofer Lawson

An Irish person who sells his baby teeth to people in the airport. (PG)

Khanav Tandoom

An Indian person who drills into people’s phones to give them a headphone jack like Techrax. (PG)

Wanda Lawrence

A Bulgarian person who chatters her teeth when she needs to go #2. (MA)

Raymond Haley

An American person who is against the past and future tense. (PG)

Jamie Santana

An American person who climbs up and walks downstairs in handstand form. (PG)

Tad Moss

A Hawaiian person who only likes to sit in the trunk of a car to avoid the smell of the Taxi Driver. (MA)

Season 3 Characters

Sue Lenastovich

American person who listens to other people’s conversations at parties. At her own party, Rose confronts her for eavesdropping and says that she feels her elbows aching a bit. (PG) S3. gets sent to the psych ward.

Lola-Mae Davison

American person who doesn’t want anything. Works as a dental assistant and makes exaggerated breath sounds. She refuses tickets to Jordan's author convention, claiming his work is overrated. (PG) S3. gets arrested by the police.

Brooke Anthony

American person who zips up everything to be extra careful. While in the subway with Arnold, she zips up Arnold’s red bag after he comes back from the gym, leading to a confrontation. (PG) S3. gets arrested for touching personal property.

Ephraim Thorne

English person who reads Greek mythology and makes references to gods and goddesses. Gets arrested for disrupting the peace at a bookstore. (PG) S3. gets arrested for disrupting the peace.

Mohammed Tunatu

Scottish Arab person who works in a cafe and complains loudly. Gets arrested for defamation by the police. (PG) S3. gets arrested for defamation by the police.

Margaret Franco

Egyptian person who wears inverted-colors glasses. (PG)

Ying Choi

Chinese person who hides and sleeps overnight in Costco, living off free samples. Gets arrested for trespassing. (PG) S3. gets arrested for trespassing.

Papi Ibarra

Greek-restaurant owner who sells gyros spelled as "JaiRowz" on the menu. (PG)

Doofile Fitzpatrick

German person who claims to know the location of the One Piece but hasn't dug it out yet. (PG)

Dorothea Leonard

British person who owns a projector and plays random movies next to a bike lane at 4 AM. Gets arrested for social discomfort. (MA) S3. gets arrested for social discomfort.

Marcelino Barker

Mexican person who claims to be an animal rights activist but kills elephants for their ivory. Gets arrested for violating animal rights. (MA) S3. gets arrested for violating animal rights.

Rosella Newman

Canadian person who has more empathy for inanimate objects than people. Gets arrested for causing damage to property. (MA) S3. gets arrested for causing damage to property.

Samuel Aguilar

Peruvian American physicist who claims to sense gravitons in the air. (PG)

Tintin Woods

American hunter who creates gravy traps for turkeys and idolizes talented people. Gets arrested for public endangerment. (PG) S3. gets arrested for public endangerment.

Cristian Baker

Romanian person who cooks bread and feeds it to seagulls. Gets arrested for public harassment. (PG) S3. gets arrested for public harassment.

Sarah Black

American person who's scared of lamps and advises Arnold he's schizophrenic. Found at the lamp store. (PG)

Kimberley Oneal

American person who flattens tires and advises Rose she's been staring at her screen too long. Found at the airport. (PG)

Jimbali Banlin

American person who shoots half-court shots on NBA courts. Found at the NBA stadium. (PG)

Juxten Horwitz

American person who offers flyers for his Avatar reenactment play and advises Rose to take breaks from screens. Found at the airport. (PG)

Hyatt Marriott

American person who travels to get autographs and advises Joy to stop being shy. Found at the Hawaiian volcano. (PG)

Cristofer Flaxi

American person who runs a "Norm of the North" Twitter account and advises Rose to take breaks from screens. Found at the airport. (PG)

Modesto Carlson

American person who drools bubbles and advises Joy to stop being shy. Found at the gym locker room. (MA)

Garry Church

Old person with a cane-laser-pointer-knife combo who advises Rose not to zone out. Found at the retirement home. (PG)

Willian Pitts

American person who makes people do push-ups and advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found on the city street. (PG)

Claire Marshall

American person who thinks she's a werewolf and advises Arnold he's schizophrenic. Found at the train station. (MA)

Pat Mccann

American person who pretends to be sick and advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the workplace. (PG)

Chrystal Stephens

American person who thinks the moon is made of cheese and advises Joy to stop obsessing over actors. Found at the cabin. (PG)

Donnie Pittman

American person who feeds ducks at 4 AM and advises Jordan he's more self-conscious writing female characters. Found at the park. (MA)

Marcella Wilcox

American person who sleeps under cars and advises Arnold he'll be run over by a car. Found on the street. (PG)

Sal Clark

American person who pretends to be sick and advises Joy to stop zoning out. Found at the workplace. (PG)

Boyce Hooper

Mechanic who dresses as Michael Jackson on Halloween and advises Rose to stop compulsively checking YouTube. Found at the airport drop-off street. (PG)

Thanh Chaney

American person who offers pre-chewed gum and advises Arnold to avoid socializing with strangers. Found at the food court. (PG)

Marylou Christian

Person who offers gummy bears and advises Maurice to respond to group chats. Found at the bike lane. (PG)

Antonia Wood

American person who blocks roads and advises Arnold to avoid socializing with strangers. Found on the street. (PG)

Josefa Fitzpatrick

American person who sleds on airport runways and advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (MA)

Alvaro Figueroa

American person who dumps boiling tar and feathers on cars and advises Joy to stop worrying about clutter. Found on the street. (MA)

Wilton Riley

American person who calls out names and advises Rose to stop looking up celebrities. Found at the airport. (PG)

Fermin Bernard

American person who sleeps in roads and advises Jordan he gets overwhelmed easily. Found on the street. (MA)

Benton Sexton

American person who throws baseballs at cars and advises Jordan his ideas aren't original. Found on the street. (MA)

Diana Ho

American person who pole dances with two poles and advises Arnold he's afraid to look at cleavage. Found at the airport. (MA)

Salvador Webb

Salvadorian person who uses a TENS machine on sleeping people to wake them up for their flight if they overslept. (MA)

Helena Gillespie

Hispanic person who gives out pain visualization forms in the airport to people so that she can give them a massage. (MA)

Doreen Snyder

American person who hugs people to rob them. (MA)

Jannie Rush

Asian person who claims they can enter the physical environment of a show. (PG)

Cleo Alvarado

Jewish person who uses chopsticks to rip out the physical keys of a keyboard since he thought they were edible. (PG)

Winston Chambers

American person who claims that he has “thick skin” physically. (PG)

Elwood Lindsey

American person who ate MrClean soap and becomes the ultimate janitor. (MA)

Edgardo Hendrix

American person who hangs up a neon light sign in the airport and sets up a portable store where he sells diapers. (PG)

Marcia Thomas

American person who wears a stethoscope everywhere, even though she's not a doctor, claiming it helps her "hear the vibes" of the city. Found in the downtown area. (PG)

Sherry Weaver

Australian person who insists on speaking only in rhymes, even during serious conversations. Found at the coffee shop. (PG)

Maxwell Holt

British person who believes he's a time traveler from the Victorian era and speaks in old-fashioned English. Found at the museum. (PG)

Rebekah Wolfe

Canadian person who wears a wolf costume and howls at the moon every night, claiming to be part of a secret werewolf society. Found in the forest. (PG)

Nola May

American person who collects antique typewriters and uses them to write love letters to strangers. Found in the library. (PG)

Beryl Daugherty

Irish person who carries around a pot of gold coins and offers to trade them for mundane items like coffee or a newspaper. Found at the street corner. (PG)

Dwight Cisneros

Filipino person who believes he's a superhero and patrols the streets at night looking for "villains" (usually just litterbugs). Found in the alley. (PG)

Eugene Miranda

Brazilian person who wears a cape and tries to fly off tall buildings, convinced he's a real-life superhero. Found on the rooftop. (PG)

Roxanne Khan

Indian person who sings Bollywood songs loudly while riding on public transportation. Found in the subway. (PG)

Val Conley

American person who wears a tinfoil hat to "block mind control waves" and preaches about conspiracy theories to anyone who will listen. Found at the park. (PG)

Donnie Pittman

American person who feeds ducks at 4 AM and advises Jordan he's more self-conscious writing female characters. Found at the park. (MA)

Marcella Wilcox

American person who sleeps under cars and advises Arnold he'll be run over by a car. Found on the street. (PG)

Sal Clark

American person who pretends to be sick and advises Joy to stop zoning out. Found at the workplace. (PG)

Boyce Hooper

Mechanic who dresses as Michael Jackson on Halloween and advises Rose to stop compulsively checking YouTube. Found at the airport drop-off street. (PG)

Thanh Chaney

American person who offers pre-chewed gum and advises Arnold to avoid socializing with strangers. Found at the food court. (PG)

Marylou Christian

Person who offers gummy bears and advises Maurice to respond to group chats. Found at the bike lane. (PG)

Antonia Wood

American person who blocks roads and advises Arnold to avoid socializing with strangers. Found on the street. (PG)

Josefa Fitzpatrick

American person who sleds on airport runways and advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (MA)

Alvaro Figueroa

American person who dumps boiling tar and feathers on cars and advises Joy to stop worrying about clutter. Found on the street. (MA)

Wilton Riley

American person who calls out names and advises Rose to stop looking up celebrities. Found at the airport. (PG)

Fermin Bernard

American person who sleeps in roads and advises Jordan he gets overwhelmed easily. Found on the street. (MA)

Benton Sexton

American person who throws baseballs at cars and advises Jordan his ideas aren't original. Found on the street. (MA)

Diana Ho

American person who pole dances with two poles and advises Arnold he's afraid to look at cleavage. Found at the airport. (MA)

Salvador Webb

Salvadorian person who uses a TENS machine on people that are sleeping to wake them up for their flight if they overslept. (MA)

Helena Gillespie

Hispanic person who gives out pain visualization forms in the airport to people so that she can give them a massage. (MA)

Doreen Snyder

American person who hugs people to rob them. (MA)

Jannie Rush

Asian person who claims they can enter the physical environment of a show. (PG)

Cleo Alvarado

Jewish person who uses chopsticks to rip out the physical keys of a keyboard since he thought they were edible. (PG)

Winston Chambers

American person who claims that he has “thick skin” physically. (PG)

Elwood Lindsey

American person who ate Mr. Clean soap and becomes the ultimate janitor. (MA)

Edgardo Hendrix

American person who hangs up a neon light sign in the airport and sets up a portable store where he sells diapers. (PG)

Marcia Thomas

American person who wears a stethoscope everywhere, even though she's not a doctor, claiming it helps her "hear the vibes" of the city. Found in the downtown area. (PG)

Sherry Weaver

Australian person who insists on speaking only in rhymes, even during serious conversations. Found at the coffee shop. (PG)

Maxwell Holt

British person who believes he's a time traveler from the Victorian era and speaks in old-fashioned English. Found at the museum. (PG)

Rebekah Wolfe

Canadian person who wears a wolf costume and howls at the moon every night, claiming to be part of a secret werewolf society. Found in the forest. (PG)

Nola May

American person who collects antique typewriters and uses them to write love letters to strangers. Found at the library. (PG)

Beryl Daugherty

Irish person who carries around a pot of gold coins and offers to trade them for mundane items like coffee or a newspaper. Found at the street corner. (PG)

Dwight Cisneros

Filipino person who believes he's a superhero and patrols the streets at night looking for "villains" (usually just litterbugs). Found in the alley. (PG)

Eugene Miranda

Brazilian person who wears a cape and tries to fly off tall buildings, convinced he's a real-life superhero. Found on the rooftop. (PG)

Roxanne Khan

Indian person who sings Bollywood songs loudly while riding on public transportation. Found in the subway. (PG) (Note: This character appeared in Season 2 as well.)

Season 4 Characters

Zidan Booth

Irish. Ties his shoelaces with licorice since he’s a worker at a candy store. Found at the store in Universal Studios. Shoe sound. Joy and Jordan early on almost have an intimate moment where they both go to the candy store together and talk about funny stories about their parents. While in the heat of the conversation, the worker offers to tie their shoelaces with licorice. The worker asks for a tip while changing their shoelaces since they paid for it. Changes their shoelaces without their permission. PG. S8. gets arrested for touching their property without their consent.

Aneurin Krause

Scottish. Uses bear traps to guard his store at night. The store. Bear trap sounds. PG. S7. gets arrested for assault by the police.

Enrico Madden

African American. Person who exaggeratedly scans his environment in 360 degrees to feel in “present moment.” The New York street. PG. S8. gets arrested by the police for harassment.

Enoch Haney

Russian person who likes hot sauce on pasta. The restaurant. “I need more sauce, ma’am.” PG. S4.

Darell Kuqalkqa

American person who has an affection for bears and tries to sleep next to them when they are hibernating. Says he’s prepared in case one of them attacks because he saw the Revenant. The mountains. PG.

Katrina Sutton

Egyptian cleaning lady who accidentally uses an ancient film roll as a paper roll to clean up spilled salsa. Tells Joy that she looks depressed when she has her head down. The museum. MA.

Jody Mckenzie

Austrian crossing guard person who takes it personally when someone jaywalks in front of her. The street. PG.

Kurtis Dorsey

Macedonian person who is a horizontal head bobber when listening to music and gets irritated by people who bob their head up and down since he thinks they are doing it wrong. The concert. PG.

Trudy Perez

Lithuanian person who clogs the airplane toilet by stuffing it with fruit roll-up to see if its fruity birefringence matched the density level of water. Tells Joy that her breasts are showing too much cleavage. The airplane. MA.

Tanya Buckley

Slovak person who ate too many Altoids in one sitting. Person who confuses places for different places. Thinks that the public restroom is a church. Prays in front of a urinal. The airport. MA.

Ora Olgzeedi

Libyan person who brings Christmas lights to a movie theater and tries hanging them around the screen while the movie is playing to add to the Christmas spirit. Tells Maurice to not trip on the stairs in theater due to his height. The theater. PG.

Earl Grimes

Togolese person who tapes himself to the top of his car and has his butler drive him around since he wants to experience outdoor air. The street. MA.

Regina Rollins

Armenian person who is a cub scout in an airport and tries starting a fire with two twigs. The airport. PG.

Charlotte Kelley

Monacan person who wears AirPods 24/7. Airport became ingrained to her ear. Tells Maurice that he makes too much noise when he walks past him. Footsteps are too loud. The airport. MA.

Papia Tapia

An Italian person who offers to shower with people if they promise to give them their pet dog. (MA)

Nathanael Hull

A Russian person who can channel goosebumps on command. (PG)

Thaddeus Wallace

An American person who steals people’s hair and runs DNA tests on them. (PG)

Gary Raymond

An American person who wears binoculars as glasses. (MA)

Jeanne Whitney

An American person who is against names. (PG)

Tammy Browning

An American person who claims that he has hyper-awareness of his head movements. (PG)

Johnathan Parker

American person who is a podiatrist for famous actresses and takes pictures of their feet without their permission. The hospital. MA.

Hank Reed

American person who smashes their trackpad for not working on the airplane and asks people around him if he can borrow their Bluetooth mouses. The airplane. MA.

Murray Lin

American person who plays jump rope with someone’s phone charger. Unplugs their charger in the airport. The airport. PG.

Thad Richardson

Maldivian person who is a bettor and brings a Monopoly board around him and challenges people to gamble in the airport. The airport. PG.

Rodney Sherman

American person who leaves a Jersey Mike’s sub in the middle of train tracks and causes a train delay. The train station. PG.

Enid Mcmahon

American person who claims to be an alchemist and sell elixirs and spells. They’re just stolen antidepressants grounded up and blended into smoothie form. The gas station. MA.

Merle Americanhead

American person who opens his car door on purpose to block the sidewalk of a busy street on purpose. The street. PG.

Kelly Stanley

American person who tapes a keyboard vertically to the entrance of her restaurant and expects people to type out their name for reservations even though there is no wire connected. The restaurant. PG.

Wilford Mcdaniel

American person who draws a Tom and Jerry animation on a physical flipbook and forced Joy to watch it even though it’s poorly drawn. The museum. PG.

Paul Cooper

American person who pretends to work at a barber and makes someone’s haircut bald. The barbershop. PG.

Diego Fuentes

American person who knows the inventors of the most random things like the band-aid. The bar. PG.

Judy Conway

American person who is a music orchestrator and tells her audience they cannot leave early or else they will “earrape them with loudness”. The concert. MA.

Season 5 Characters

Mohammed Owens

Arab. Person who can tell the newsprint is a different shade of black and complains to the newspaper company. The building. PG. S5.

Sarina Nielsen

Polish person who requires a tiny sip of coffee every one minute. The restaurant. Loud sip sounds. PG. S7.

Marley Maddox

Gypsy. Person who thinks everything is solved even when the problems aren’t. The school. PG. S8.

Mohamed Owens

Arab. Person who can tell the newsprint is a different shade of black and complains to the newspaper company. The building. PG. S5.

Akeel Pearce

Indian. Person who always tugs on the edges of top shirt so that his “chest can breathe.” The theme park. PG. S5.

Mia Schneider

American podiatrist who treats people’s ingrown toenails on the plane. Invented a machine where toes don’t hurt at all when she does partial toenail surgery. Tells Jordan that she will rip out his toenail if he isn’t careful. The airplane. MA. She gets arrested for threatening a passenger.

Pedro Hurley

American person who endlessly scrolls on his phone for the finger exercise solely. Doesn’t care what he’s scrolling through. Scrolls through porn and other people notice. The audience event. MA.

Sydney Swanson

Croatian person who says she only views humans as sexual beings. The bar. MA.

Normand Quinn

American person who thinks he’s smarter than everyone. The convention. PG.

Gayle Warren

American person who offers wine to children. The hotel. PG.

Moshe Zavala

American person who says he never devotes “conscious energy” towards other humans. The bar. PG.

Bridgett Baker

American person who takes pictures of attractive people so that she can animate their faces into AI. The airport. MA.

Lucien Nash

American person who piggybacks on people and tries to “inadvertently” squeeze people’s breasts. The beach. MA.

Burton Clay

Qatari person who invented pants where if he falls, the pants legs secrete foam out and saves his fall. Jumps over furniture for fun since has no fear of being injured. Destroys tons of furniture using his device for fun. Tells Joy that she has to attend public events/invitations by people she knows. The apartment. PG.

Dewey Lewis

Haitian person who launches fireworks in the airplane since he thought it was Fifth of July. The airplane. MA.

Amber Palmer

White person who is ultimately reserved and always has their arms crossed. Never brings her hands out even if it is situations that require her to. Someone fell over but doesn’t give them a hand. Tells Jordan he uses the bathroom too much. The restaurant. MA.

Norris Blanchard

Zambian person who always has his fingers spread wide apart when talking. Has no dynamic motion with the body and always does the same hand motion when talking. The airport. PG.

Amalia Pearson

Mexican person who says as an excuse that it’s okay for him to be lazy and not get up since they’ll eventually invent teleportation. The cabin. PG.

Trisha Leblanc

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Armando Blankenship

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found on the street. (PG)

Willy Donovan

American person who advises Joy to stop zoning out. Found on the street. (PG)

Greta Tucker

American person who advises Arnold he'll be run over by a car. Found at the airport. (PG)

Jedidiah Morton

American person who advises Rose he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Floyd Sanford

American person who advises Jordan he's in a dream. Found at the airport. (PG)

Eunice Jennings

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Bobbie Alvarez

American person who advises Joy to stop worrying about clutter. Found on the street. (PG)

Suzette Lee

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Andre Vaughn

American person who advises Rose he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Season 6 Characters

Samira Ingram:

Hindi person who can’t decide what to order and only looks at the menu and tunes out what the waiter says. The restaurant. PG. S6.

Karan Hardin:

American person who sticks his tongue out to “taste the wind.” The street. PG. S5. He gets arrested by the police for being a public nuisance.

Millie Lake:

American person who fears that he will become someone else if she has the same haircut as someone else. The airport. PG. S5. She gets arrested by the police for displaying a public panic attack and gets arrested for disturbing the peace in the airport.

Roxanne Lord:

American airplane flight attendant who promises people that she knows an AirBnB for someone to stay even though the AirBnB is being fumigated. The airplane. PG. She gets arrested for defamation by the police.

Aaron Dillon:

Canadian Chalk Drawer: Swazi person who draws with chalk on anything. Labels physical objects with the chalk in the airport. Inadvertent graffiti artist. The airport. PG.

Catalina Buck:

Brazilian person who is a tattletale for people who steal soda from the soda machine. The restaurant. PG.

Hilda Mayo:

Serbian person who is against people that stretch their body. Tells Maurice that his body is too tall to stretch and that he can hit into people if he isn’t careful. The beach. PG.

Karin Flores:

Swazi person who has a friend group where they don’t talk to each other and only stare at each other mindlessly. The airport. PG.

Rosendo Villa:

Salvadoran person who claims that people can grow taller regardless of any age if they maintain posture long enough. The grass plains. PG.

Reuben Hale:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Valeria Davenport:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Dallas Atkinson:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Simon Ayers:

American person who advises Jordan he's in a dream. Found at the airport. (PG)

Loretta Duarte:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Dorian Hodge:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Laquita Norton:

American person who advises Joy to stop zoning out. Found at the airport. (PG)

Rosalyn Stout:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Harris Riggs:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Molly Hampton:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Sonia Walter:

An American person who wears VR glasses in the airplane and squeezes onto a literal breast “by accident”. (MA)

Glenda Valencia:

An American person who knows the just-noticeable difference for every instance like how much weight being added. (PG)

Isabelle Golden:

An American person who carries around a pan named “Peter’s Pan” and flips already-cooked pancakes in the street. (PG)

Jeanette Mccall:

An American person who takes off their clothes in front of people and asks them to swap clothes to see if they were to fit in the store based on its size. (MA)

Murray Lin (Repeated):

American person who plays jump rope with someone’s phone charger. Unplugs their charger in the airport. The airport. PG.

Augustine Terry:

Irish person who dumps grease on his bald head to spin 360 degree dance on his head like professionals. The strip club. PG.

Season 7 Characters

Dafydd Garrison:

American. Never responds to statements and just puckers lips and nods head. The cabin. “I respectfully decline to speak.” PG.

Bruno Gibbons:

American. Cheese allergy author. The building. “Cheese!” PG. S5.

Bret Cross:

German valet driver who watches food-eating competitions instead of driving the cars and remembering where they were parked. The car. PG. He gets arrested for negligence.

Vincenzo Bates:

American. Farts on bass drops. Enjoys farting on command. The airport. Fart sound. Maurice and Jordan attend Coachella and Vincenzo farts on the bass drops of Diplo. Diplo stops the concert since the fart was so loud and he says, “Ayo, you!” in an angry way looking at Vincenzo. “Come up here fool!” Vincenzo with regret walks over to the concert platform. His face is red. PG. He gets arrested by the police for farting too loudly.

Feng Holloway:

Chinese person who knows what objects are but doesn’t know what their simple uses are. For example, he asks people what a lamp does. The mountains. PG.

Rhonda Booker:

American person who thinks cameras have a mind of their own and spying on her. The bank. PG.

Carmelo Fox:

Croatian person who cuts one leg off of four-legged objects like tables and chairs since he thinks the fourth leg is useless since the chair can stand up on itself with three legs. However, he fails to see that the third leg has to be positioned into a triangle position. The furniture store. MA.

Muriel Warner:

American librarian who steals books. Tells Maurice that he sways and moves his body too much in his mechanical movements. The library. PG.

Aisha Martin:

African American person who enjoys all his drinks being carbonated. Carbonated syrup and milk. The apartment. PG.

Cassandra Sampson:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Louie Morton:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Raul Atkinson:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Beatrice Stanton:

American person who advises Jordan he's in a dream. Found at the airport. (PG)

Fletcher Hubbard:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Eliza Fischer:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Toby Calderon:

American person who advises Joy to stop zoning out. Found at the airport. (PG)

Guadalupe Abbott:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Edmund Shaffer:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Cecelia Rosales:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Stanford Sherman:

American person who leaves a Jersey Mike’s sub in the middle of train tracks and causes a train delay. The train station. PG.

Doyle Saunders:

American person who eats candles and pinecones for Vitamin E. The forest. PG.

Ike Maxwell:

American person who uses cuts off someone’s guitar strings and uses it as floss. The mall. PG.

Lesa Richard:

American person who claims she knows what is in the Krabby Patty secret formula despite what’s already on the web. The gas station. PG.

Diann Yoder:

American person who saves Chef Boyardee cans and makes a triangular tower of them in the airport. The cabin. PG.

Allyson Galloway:

American person who mistakes thinks they sell subway at a subway. The train station. PG.

Dina Rubio:

American person who asks someone to borrow their phone to call someone but then runs away with the phone. The bar. PG.

Season 8 Characters

Santino Povey:

Mexican person who overuses the bike ringer on turns. The street. “On your left, muchacha! Make that butt go cha cha!” MA. He gets arrested for verbal assault.

Conna Kirk:

American person obsessed with lava lamps and created edible lava lamps that have sugar in them. Tells Arnold that he’s gonna die today. The park. MA. She gets arrested for verbal assault.

Emma-Louise Joseph:

Pakistani person who trolls the airplane sound system and says plays Elmer Fudd ASMR to them. The airplane. Sunny weather. PG. He gets arrested by the police for hacking.

Jensen Griffin:

American. Person who claims he can see through people. Tells Rose that she needs to maintain her compulsive need of socializing more. The mountains. PG. She gets arrested for verbal abuse.

Joel Vance:

American person who smiles and frowns dramatically. Only smiles at strangers who breathe with their mouth open and frowns at people that breathe through their nose since he has a deviated septum and thinks people breathing through their mouth should become normalized. The street. PG.

Frankie O'Neal:

American person who thinks he is in Inception and that every physical manipulation to the environment will affect his subconscious thinking. The city street. PG.

Tamera O'brien:

Asian person who thinks that the MRI noises are music to his ears. The hospital. PG.

Florine Curry:

White person who is a florist and grows chia pets horizontally on buildings to graffiti places he doesn’t like. Tells Joy that she’s a pervert for being an artist and drawing bodies. The city building garden. MA.

Boyce Gamble:

African American person who plays poker in Vegas and thinks that the poker chips are edible. Eats other people’s chips. The casino. PG.

Rufus Watkins:

American person who is obsessed with gummy bears. Creates physical object look-alikes made with gummies. The candy store. PG.

Andre Burgess:

Syrian taxi driver who owns an Airbnb and takes his passengers to stay at his Airbnb instead of taking them to their hotel. Tells Rose she’ll always have an unconscious hate with psychiatrists. The car. MA.

Jazmine Russo:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Ronnie Goodwin:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Candace Arellano:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Darnell Bruce:

American person who advises Jordan he's in a dream. Found at the airport. (PG)

Dominick Myers:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Susanna Holden:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Lionel Lang:

American person who advises Joy to stop zoning out. Found at the airport. (PG)

Olga Harmon:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Elias Case:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Lea Mcfarland:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

American person obsessed with vertical optical illusions on ceilings. The building PG.

Rome Huber:

Bruneian person who has a key for everything. The restaurant. PG. He gets arrested for property trespassing.

Stacy Campbell:

American prostitute who doesn’t accept money and only accepts tickets to Chuck E Cheese as monetary value. Tells Jordan that his tongue is out and that it has too much freedom. The beach. MA.

Lillie Cho:

Asian person who bags every object separately when packing. The city street. PG.

Erin Schmidt:

American motorcycle driver who uses training wheels to help with his balance. The street. PG.

Bert Larson:

American person who is a restaurant owner owns a cat named Garfield and sells lasagna. Tells Rose that she listens to soundtracks to evade social anxiety and reality. The restaurant. PG.

Blanca Anderson:

African American bank teller who blackmails people into working at his father’s ice cream store or else she will expose their social security numbers. The bank. MA.

Tanya Conner:

American person who works at a refinery and is against global warming. The refinery. PG.

Mel Paul:

Belarusian person who sits down without actually making contact with the seat. Only bends knees. The theater. PG.

Filiberto Yoder:

Argentinian person who twisted his ankle and is a soccer player. The soccer stadium. PG.

Marcy Johnston:

American person who combines syllables of words together to “speak faster” for example, he will say “flay yawn” instead of “filet mignon”. Tells Jordan he drinks too much water. The restaurant. PG.

Williams Franklin:

Scottish person who claims he can pick up on UFO and alien signals. The forest. PG.

Mervin Stewart:

Icelander person who claims he can do telepathy. Tells Arnold that he jolts his head too quickly when looking around. The city street. PG.

Ina Allison:

Ugandan person who hosts a game of Hunger Games but with a version of tag in the airport. Tells Arnold he’s self-conscious of what shows he watches when others are around. The airport. MA.

Belinda Wiggins:

Chadian person who takes everything literally. Thinks that figurative language is physical. For example, she thinks that people actually sweat out bullets from the phrase “sweating bullets” The cabin. PG.

Wanda Davies:

Namibian person who claims to be a genie and can grant three wishes in an airport. It’s a homeless woman in an airport and the wishes can only be item requests. He steals items from gift shops based on whatever the wisher desires. The airport. MA.

Sid Cochran:

American person who eats food but always with a bowl. Against plates. Uses a dog bowl. The apartment. PG.

Jonnie Black:

Children’s basketball referee who gets into personal fiascos with their parents since he over-calls fouls. Says he doesn’t tolerate bullshit and that he will one day become an NBA referee. Tells Jordan that he has an ego even if he thinks he doesn’t as an author. The basketball gym. MA.

Cherie Villanueva:

Pole person who gets deported for eating a ham and cheese sandwich in a mosque. The mosque. MA.

Suzette Higgins:

Sri Lankan person who only drinks things in spray bottle form. Accidentally drinks mosquito repellant instead of Dr Pepper. Tells Arnold he isn’t allowed to multitask. The beach. MA.

Bryon Osborn:

Doctor who thinks using Neosporin to treat a gunshot wound will be enough for it to heal. Tells Arnold that he needs to visit the doctor more or else he’ll kill him. The hospital. MA.

Ronny Cabrera:

Ecuadorian person who invented a vestibular hat where it doesn’t require the person to stand with their balance. Hat locks their head in place and flies still in the air with a jet. Person doesn’t have the fear of falling over anymore. The circus. MA.

Rick Waller:

American person who leads a meet and greet for people who have been mentally scarred from the show Friends. The convention. MA.

Wilda Burns:

Lawyer who thinks “pleading the fifth” is illegal if it is not the 5th of a month. The courtroom. PG.

Tyrone Parker:

African American person who thinks doing anything is illegal. Thinks it’s illegal to not flush the toilet when you’re done with the toilet. The savannah. PG.

Cedric Stark:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Anaya Trevino:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Fabian Barr:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Bianca Travis:

American person who advises Jordan he's in a dream. Found at the airport. (PG)

Brady Conrad:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Samson York:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Lyla Gentry:

American person who advises Joy to stop zoning out. Found at the airport. (PG)

Dax Bentley:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Livia Olsen:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Kellen Berger:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Season 9 Characters

American person obsessed with vertical optical illusions on ceilings. The building PG.

Rome Huber:

Bruneian person who has a key for everything. The restaurant. PG. He gets arrested for property trespassing.

Stacy Campbell:

American prostitute who doesn’t accept money and only accepts tickets to Chuck E Cheese as monetary value. Tells Jordan that his tongue is out and that it has too much freedom. The beach. MA.

Lillie Cho:

Asian person who bags every object separately when packing. The city street. PG.

Erin Schmidt:

American motorcycle driver who uses training wheels to help with his balance. The street. PG.

Bert Larson:

American person who is a restaurant owner owns a cat named Garfield and sells lasagna. Tells Rose that she listens to soundtracks to evade social anxiety and reality. The restaurant. PG.

Blanca Anderson:

African American bank teller who blackmails people into working at his father’s ice cream store or else she will expose their social security numbers. The bank. MA.

Tanya Conner:

American person who works at a refinery and is against global warming. The refinery. PG.

Mel Paul:

Belarusian person who sits down without actually making contact with the seat. Only bends knees. The theater. PG.

Filiberto Yoder:

Argentinian person who twisted his ankle and is a soccer player. The soccer stadium. PG.

Marcy Johnston:

American person who combines syllables of words together to “speak faster” for example, he will say “flay yawn” instead of “filet mignon”. Tells Jordan he drinks too much water. The restaurant. PG.

Williams Franklin:

Scottish person who claims he can pick up on UFO and alien signals. The forest. PG.

Mervin Stewart:

Icelander person who claims he can do telepathy. Tells Arnold that he jolts his head too quickly when looking around. The city street. PG.

Ina Allison:

Ugandan person who hosts a game of Hunger Games but with a version of tag in the airport. Tells Arnold he’s self-conscious of what shows he watches when others are around. The airport. MA.

Belinda Wiggins:

Chadian person who takes everything literally. Thinks that figurative language is physical. For example, she thinks that people actually sweat out bullets from the phrase “sweating bullets” The cabin. PG.

Wanda Davies:

Namibian person who claims to be a genie and can grant three wishes in an airport. It’s a homeless woman in an airport and the wishes can only be item requests. He steals items from gift shops based on whatever the wisher desires. The airport. MA.

Sid Cochran:

American person who eats food but always with a bowl. Against plates. Uses a dog bowl. The apartment. PG.

Jonnie Black:

Children’s basketball referee who gets into personal fiascos with their parents since he over-calls fouls. Says he doesn’t tolerate bullshit and that he will one day become an NBA referee. Tells Jordan that he has an ego even if he thinks he doesn’t as an author. The basketball gym. MA.

Cherie Villanueva:

Pole person who gets deported for eating a ham and cheese sandwich in a mosque. The mosque. MA.

Suzette Higgins:

Sri Lankan person who only drinks things in spray bottle form. Accidentally drinks mosquito repellant instead of Dr Pepper. Tells Arnold he isn’t allowed to multitask. The beach. MA.

Bryon Osborn:

Doctor who thinks using Neosporin to treat a gunshot wound will be enough for it to heal. Tells Arnold that he needs to visit the doctor more or else he’ll kill him. The hospital. MA.

Ronny Cabrera:

Ecuadorian person who invented a vestibular hat where it doesn’t require the person to stand with their balance. Hat locks their head in place and flies still in the air with a jet. Person doesn’t have the fear of falling over anymore. The circus. MA.

Rick Waller:

American person who leads a meet and greet for people who have been mentally scarred from the show Friends. The convention. MA.

Wilda Burns:

Lawyer who thinks “pleading the fifth” is illegal if it is not the 5th of a month. The courtroom. PG.

Tyrone Parker:

African American person who thinks doing anything is illegal. Thinks it’s illegal to not flush the toilet when you’re done with the toilet. The savannah. PG.

Cedric Stark:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Anaya Trevino:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Fabian Barr:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Bianca Travis:

American person who advises Jordan he's in a dream. Found at the airport. (PG)

Brady Conrad:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Samson York:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Lyla Gentry:

American person who advises Joy to stop zoning out. Found at the airport. (PG)

Dax Bentley:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)

Livia Olsen:

American person who advises Rose to stop worrying about clutter. Found at the airport. (PG)

Kellen Berger:

American person who advises Arnold he's too obsessed. Found at the airport. (PG)